Marin Moulinier 💿 👩‍💻

FOSS developer & IT engineer

Rhône-Alpes, FR

Hi ! 👋

I am a neurodivergent IT security engineer living in France.

I have been experienced in designing network auditing & reverse engineering tools, desktop apps (such as SongRec, an open-source Shazam client for Linux), as well as developing complex web apps in professional context (using a Vue.JS/CSS3/Flask full-stack setup lately).

I am mostly experienced in using Python, Rust, C as systems languages. I also have been experienced in working with Java and assembly (x86, MIPS...) in reverse engineering needs contexts.

Open-source software

QCSuper - A tool for capturing 2G, 3G, 4G radio frames with Qualcomm basebands
2018 — python, C — 1.3k favs, 15 academic refs
SongRec - An open-source Shazam client for Linux, written in Rust.
2020 — rust, python — 1.3k favs, 28k+ Flathub users
pbtk - A reverse engineering tool for extracting and optionally replaying Protobuf structures from programs
2017 — python — 1.4k favs
vmlinux-to-elf - A tool for reconstituting a fully analysable vmlinux file with symbols, from a raw kernel blob
2019 — python — 1.3k favs
hermes-dec - A reverse engineering tool for decompiling and disassembling the React Native Hermes bytecode
2023 — python — 400 favs

Other publications

Presenting QCSuper: a tool for capturing your 2G/3G/4G air traffic on Qualcomm-based phones
2019 - P1Sec Labs - full authorship
(fr) La signalisation chez les opérateurs mobiles
2022 - SSTIC 2022 - participate in writing
(fr) Anatomie d'un titre de transport : du billet à la carte à puce
2021 - Zeste de Savoir - full authorship
(fr) Captures réseau du démarrage et fonctionnement de la Neufbox 6
2014 - La - full authorship
How I found a Google Maps XSS (by fidding with Protobuf)
2017 - Medium - full authorship